
Let's forget the 2020
Australian Inland Wine Show

Needless to say there were no results

as we couldn't hold the judging

Normally all wines are judged out of 60 points.
Medals are awarded as follows:-
Gold medal - 55.5 to 60.0 points     Silver medal - 51.0 to 55.0 points     Bronze medal - 46.5 to 50.5 points
Wines that are not fully dressed and commercially available at the time of judging with the
exception of the Amateur Class (Class 8) are not eligible for medals but will be eligible for commendations as follows:-
Very highly commended - 55.5 to 60.0 points     Highly commended - 51.0 to 55.0 points
Commended - 46.5 to 50.5 points